We all hope that Covid-19 is over for good, but even if it is, the effects of the coronavirus pandemic will be felt for a very long time. Both our way of life and the food service sector has changed as a result of Covid-19.

Consumer and customer expectations have significantly altered regarding food safety and best practices for restaurant cleanliness, consumer and customer expectations have significantly altered. Additionally, certain rules pertaining to Covid-19 may continue to exist or develop in the future. These changes may have an impact on future facility remodeling, new projects, or simply the purchase of new food service equipment whether you provide food service at a restaurant, airport, hotel, school, university, assisted living facility, business, or hospital.


  • Cindy Jefferson
    Posted October 2, 2017 12:37 pm

    Great article. Thank you for your post, it helps me to develop my work.

    • Adam Brown
      Posted October 2, 2017 12:38 pm

      Your article was excellent and erudite. Thanks

  • Mike Newton
    Posted October 2, 2017 12:39 pm

    I find these articles very useful and appropriate and also share them with my colleagues.

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